Project Flarea
Flarea is a (currently) basic game engine that supports lua scripting, asset managing via json, and basic 3d rendering via OpenGL. It is now fairly basic - many more features will be added to it in the future.
For github repository, see ARessegetesStery/Flarea. Here is a basic demonstration for the engine (as a final project for course EECS498-007 in University of Michigan (2024 Winter)).
The project currently uses the following external dependencies:
- GLAD & GLFW for OpenGL importing. The project used SDL for 2D rendering in its early stages, but now its usage has been deprecated as I am focusing more on 3D rendering.
- GLM for mathematical support.
- spdlog for logging.
- lua & luabridge for scripting support
- rapidjson for
file loading. I am planning to replace this with some other library as it seems to be no longer under proper/in-time maintenance (e.g. does not support c++20 well, although this recent commit seems to be fixing the issue… needs testing)
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.